Saturday, January 22, 2011

Standing Up for Myself


I am going to write about something that happened on Friday while I was at work. I belong to a union. Because of this, seniority is something everyone needs to be mindful of.

It was decided by my supervisor that OT would be offered on the weekend. However, I wasn't made aware of this. When I asked my supervisor if I could come in, the answer was that there may not be enough work for me to come in. However, a coworker of mine, with much less seniority, was offered it.
I questioned it with my manager. My manager agreed that if all things were considered, I should have also been invited to participate in OT. However, the department did not need OT any longer and it was all cancelled.

I have never had to stand up to my boss with anything like this before. Prior to this I would have let this slip under the rug. However, I couldn't let this one slip by. I have also been reassigned to a new Supervisor for the last two weeks. Regardless of the consequences my saying something may have caused, I felt I had to say something. I would have asked the same thing had it been for someone else. The decision to say something challenged my regular behaviour and allowed me to express my thoughts in a way I have never done before. Only time will tell what all of the consequences are.

Thanks for reading.


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