Friday, January 28, 2011

Makeover Pt.1

It seems as if it's one extreme to the other today!

I received my first of many makeovers today. I bought some makeup. I never wear makeup (except my wedding and graduation from high school). My skin is very allergic and I did not like wearing it.

However, going with a friend today, I discovered they actually make allergy free makeup. I'm sure they have tested this in some sort of non-ethical way to determine this, but I can only complete so many challenges in one day!

I now have blush, concealer, powder, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss and assorted brushes in order to enhance some of my physical qualities that up until now have largely been ignored. However, I am not going to show any photos. There is enough information in this blog for you to use your imagination.

I have to say it was quite the challenge. If the display in the store did not sort things out into colour of eyes (mine are green or hazel depending upon the eye as they are both different) and I did not take back up with me, I wouldn't have been able to complete this. I do not like bringing attention to myself. I prefer being in the background. However, I can see why women wear this stuff. It pulls out your features and softens your look a bit. I think, as long as I'm not allergic to this stuff, this will become a new part of me.

This makeover thing is going to take the better part of a week. Next up, I am going to get my eyebrows threaded? (Really not sure on that one, but if I can survive sugaring, I can pretty much survive most things) I have to purchase earrings (again allergy free), hairpins (because adding mousse everyday will no longer cut it) and one item of sparkly clothing which I actually have to wear. I will post more as more makeovers happen. And to think, a few short months ago, I was helping to count salmon and concentrating every spare minute of my time writing a grant application. How different my world is now.

*****Update Jan 30, 2011 - I am even allergic to the allergy free makeup. I woke up this morning to a face full of hives! Thankfully I am able to return my purchases. However, I am now supposed to research alternatives. What work. *****************

Thanks for reading,


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