Saturday, January 22, 2011

Slumber Party


This is the last thing I did this week that I will blog about I promise.

I guess one could say I'm not a "girly girl". I don't like frilly things, I don't wear high heels or make up and I don't pamper myself at all.

On Friday night my friend and I had a slumber/spa party. Having a slumber party is not something I have done since I was a teenager.

I got to experience a facial for the first time ever. It was interesting. I looked rather ridiculous so am more than grateful that there were no pictures taken. However, it really cleaned my face, and left it feeling smoother.
I also got to experience a foot spa. It involved soaking my feet in a spa with bubbles and using moisturizer afterwards. My feet were truly pampered, which is something that never happens.
I also had the opportunity to experience sugaring. It's like waxing. I have to say that it feels as though a large bandaid is being ripped off quickly. I found this was not as bad an experience as it is made out to be. Or it could simply be that I have had enough experiences with band aids in the past little while that I have become desensitized to it.

Having a slumber party/ spa evening is unlike anything I have done before. As someone who does not spoil themselves very much it was a challenge to complete these tasks. What made it easier is that I had a friend who would try things first and then provide pointers on how to accomplish what I had set out to. That helped a lot.

Thanks for reading. As January rolls to an end, I am working on completing another book. I will post again once that's complete.

Thanks for reading.

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