Monday, January 31, 2011

End of January Update

Well, today is the last day of January. It has been quite the challenging month. Here is one last challenge:

I am terrified of the dark. It probably has a lot to do with being a kid. Anyways, in order to get to my car last night, I had to walk down an unlit path. The only thing I could see was some distant lights from some houses. I managed to walk down the path without any problems. The only thing that kept me from being unable to do this, was my sneakers make sounds when I walk. I could clearly hear that it was only me making those sounds. When I reached the end of the path, I saw some hikers heading in to the very same path, only they had headlamps on their heads. When I told my husband this, his only remark was that there are people out there more scared of the dark then I am! I didn't think that was possible!

As we near the end of January, thank-you for continuing to read this. I have been challenged in so many ways. This has allowed me to grow in so many more ways than I could have even known.
I don't know what else is in store for me, but I do know that I don't think I will have the opportunity to challenge myself as many times as I have been in January. I will continue to blog about my new experiences and I welcome you to keep reading. However, the remainder of the year may seem rather boring to everything in January.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Makeover Pt.1

It seems as if it's one extreme to the other today!

I received my first of many makeovers today. I bought some makeup. I never wear makeup (except my wedding and graduation from high school). My skin is very allergic and I did not like wearing it.

However, going with a friend today, I discovered they actually make allergy free makeup. I'm sure they have tested this in some sort of non-ethical way to determine this, but I can only complete so many challenges in one day!

I now have blush, concealer, powder, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss and assorted brushes in order to enhance some of my physical qualities that up until now have largely been ignored. However, I am not going to show any photos. There is enough information in this blog for you to use your imagination.

I have to say it was quite the challenge. If the display in the store did not sort things out into colour of eyes (mine are green or hazel depending upon the eye as they are both different) and I did not take back up with me, I wouldn't have been able to complete this. I do not like bringing attention to myself. I prefer being in the background. However, I can see why women wear this stuff. It pulls out your features and softens your look a bit. I think, as long as I'm not allergic to this stuff, this will become a new part of me.

This makeover thing is going to take the better part of a week. Next up, I am going to get my eyebrows threaded? (Really not sure on that one, but if I can survive sugaring, I can pretty much survive most things) I have to purchase earrings (again allergy free), hairpins (because adding mousse everyday will no longer cut it) and one item of sparkly clothing which I actually have to wear. I will post more as more makeovers happen. And to think, a few short months ago, I was helping to count salmon and concentrating every spare minute of my time writing a grant application. How different my world is now.

*****Update Jan 30, 2011 - I am even allergic to the allergy free makeup. I woke up this morning to a face full of hives! Thankfully I am able to return my purchases. However, I am now supposed to research alternatives. What work. *****************

Thanks for reading,


Gun Range


Today I accomplished two challenges. I will discuss the most challenging first.

I married a man who shoots. His father shoots so he taught his son to shoot.
I was a pacifist who hated guns with a passion.

So, today, I took one of the biggest challenges I could think of. My husband took me to a gun range and I shot my first .22.
I have never held a live gun before or even thought of shooting one. To me, they were and are still something to be feared, respected and treated with the most caution one can provide to an object. It is not something I take lightly.

The hardest part was getting the first shot off. My heart was racing and I was sweating so much my safety glasses kept fogging up. I was allowed to shoot 35 rounds. My husband finished the 50 and shot 50 9mm. I do not like 9mm. The sound from the gun as it went off was enough to stop my heart. As well, the flame that comes out of the 9mm made my skin crawl. Everytime it went off, I got this instant feeling of dread and the desire to bolt out of the room as fast as I could. Imagine that 50 times and you'll now understand why I am exhausted. The 9mm also caused my ears to pop and I was wearing full ear protection.

The .22 did not have any kick to it at all and was a breeze to shoot. It wasn't very loud and I could still feel my heart beating after shooting all of those rounds. I have to admit the first 7 rounds did not hit the paper, but I was able to shoot the centre of my target. I was also able to provide the target with a hair cut (meaning I aimed very high) and scare him a little bit (I missed the man, but hit the paper). I have attached a photo of my target as further proof of my handi work.

The biggest thing to me was that I did it. There was such a sense of happiness I felt as we were leaving the range. I never ever thought that I could shoot a gun. These things kill people every day and to me a gun represents the end: death. However, today I learned that if I treated something responsibly and respectfully it wasn't that bad. However, I am glad there were range officers there who were watching every move we made to ensure safety came first. I think shooting may be something I could do again, mind you only the .22. I couldn't handle any more kick or noise.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Challenge Failed - Dalai Lama


Well, I couldn't do it. This is the first time I could not complete a challenge I attempted. I challenged myself to read the Dalai Lama's book "In My Own Words: An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy".

I was physically unable to read this book. Every time I picked it up to read I fell asleep. I cannot go ten pages into this book without falling asleep.

Within the first few pages of the book, the Dalai Lama's philosophy is clearly different from mine:
-"And this is why unpleasant events make news; compassionate activities are so much a part of daily life that they are taken for granted and, therefore, largely ignored."

-"... a truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if they behave negatively."

As for the first quote, I cannot fathom that this would be correct. The news exists in its present form because of our society's need to get to the facts quick. It also exists in its current state because the media likes to get ratings. In order to get ratings, scare tactics are often used.

As for the second quote, I have a compassionate attitude towards humans. I genuinely believe human nature tends to be good. This belief system still exists in myself despite enduring years of abuse and poverty and experiencing cancer first hand. Despite all of these experiences, I feel I can still have a compassionate attitude towards others. I think the thing the Dalai Lama fails to discuss within this section in the book is the consequences of others behaving negatively. Although I don't hate the individuals who have abused me, I certainly don't entertain them on a personal level and they have to understand there are consequences to their actions, just as there are to mine.

However, I do believe in the Dalai Lama's concept of Karma. I believe because I have seen it. What surprises me the most is that it does not always take several life times in order for Karma to take effect. I will not say much else as it is personal.

Thanks for reading.

Next challenges: A makeover and a trip to the Gun range.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Slumber Party


This is the last thing I did this week that I will blog about I promise.

I guess one could say I'm not a "girly girl". I don't like frilly things, I don't wear high heels or make up and I don't pamper myself at all.

On Friday night my friend and I had a slumber/spa party. Having a slumber party is not something I have done since I was a teenager.

I got to experience a facial for the first time ever. It was interesting. I looked rather ridiculous so am more than grateful that there were no pictures taken. However, it really cleaned my face, and left it feeling smoother.
I also got to experience a foot spa. It involved soaking my feet in a spa with bubbles and using moisturizer afterwards. My feet were truly pampered, which is something that never happens.
I also had the opportunity to experience sugaring. It's like waxing. I have to say that it feels as though a large bandaid is being ripped off quickly. I found this was not as bad an experience as it is made out to be. Or it could simply be that I have had enough experiences with band aids in the past little while that I have become desensitized to it.

Having a slumber party/ spa evening is unlike anything I have done before. As someone who does not spoil themselves very much it was a challenge to complete these tasks. What made it easier is that I had a friend who would try things first and then provide pointers on how to accomplish what I had set out to. That helped a lot.

Thanks for reading. As January rolls to an end, I am working on completing another book. I will post again once that's complete.

Thanks for reading.

Standing Up for Myself


I am going to write about something that happened on Friday while I was at work. I belong to a union. Because of this, seniority is something everyone needs to be mindful of.

It was decided by my supervisor that OT would be offered on the weekend. However, I wasn't made aware of this. When I asked my supervisor if I could come in, the answer was that there may not be enough work for me to come in. However, a coworker of mine, with much less seniority, was offered it.
I questioned it with my manager. My manager agreed that if all things were considered, I should have also been invited to participate in OT. However, the department did not need OT any longer and it was all cancelled.

I have never had to stand up to my boss with anything like this before. Prior to this I would have let this slip under the rug. However, I couldn't let this one slip by. I have also been reassigned to a new Supervisor for the last two weeks. Regardless of the consequences my saying something may have caused, I felt I had to say something. I would have asked the same thing had it been for someone else. The decision to say something challenged my regular behaviour and allowed me to express my thoughts in a way I have never done before. Only time will tell what all of the consequences are.

Thanks for reading.




It's been a crazy week. I will post entries as they happened.

On Thursday, I was offered a promotion/new job. I accepted the opportunity and I start on February 7th. The interesting thing is how this challenged me.

I have two weeks remaining at my present position. In these two weeks, I also get to hear the biopsy results for the lump I had removed and speak with a specialist about another tumor I have. I am challenged by all of this because the results have the potential of creating havoc with my work life for the next little while. I am challenged because I have been faced with a difficult situation. If I continue with this promotion, I could be seriously ill, creating absence at my new work, which doesn't start me off in a good place. Or I could potentially turn down the promotion, stay where I am, and not be sick and have missed out on an excellent opportunity.

I have decided at this point to continue with the promotion. As a good friend has told me, I can't put my life on hold because of something that may or may not be there. I have to live my life as if I am fine. Because that is simply all I have.

Thanks for reading.
*******Jan 26th 2010- Update:  Everything is clear in the latest biopsy. I can now look forward to my new position with a lot more excitement! Thanks for reading!****

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Medical Test


I normally wouldn't call going for a medical test that much of a challenge. I have had to go for quite a few medical tests during my time. I've had everything done from MRI's, CT Scan's, bone scans and have given so much blood for blood tests, I now have far too much scar tissue that it makes going for more that much more difficult.

I am not going to give a lot of detail about today's test as it was sensitive. I will say these quick hints:
-Since they have just removed a small part of me and stitched it up, having someone push on the area, was not that great an idea.
-The prep work for the exam was far worse than the exam itself.

 I am blogging about this because when I look back on this year, this will stand out in my mind as one of the most challenging things I have had to overcome. I only hope I don't have to go for another one of these tests again or I may simply pass out next time.

So if you're reading this and have some questions you'd like to ask me, kindly refrain. This is a more personal entry and I'd like to keep it that way. If you have any questions about the other entries, please feel free to ask. I think this exam has challenged me in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

Thank-you for reading and respecting my wishes.

****************Feb. 2nd update: The test results came back clear! Good news! I hope I won't have to go for one of these again!******************************

Next challenge: An Adventurous Slumbar Party


Sunday, January 16, 2011

History's Worst Decisions


Well I didn't finish my courses. I suppose that will be an ongoing challenge! I am finding it difficult to stay focussed.

So, instead I finished reading another book. This one was called "History's Worst Decisions and the People Who Made Them". I enjoyed reading this book, so perhaps the only challenge here was that I completed this in three days or so? I enjoyed learning more about parts of history I didn't know before. Although I have to say the books purpose is one in which I agree with, so it wasn't a stretch to read this book. George Santayana a philospher and writer once said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I agree with this sentiment and is one of the primary reasons I obtained a degree in history in the first place.  In any case, I learned quite a bit from reading this book.

Here are some interesting things I learned:
-Although I have a great deal of respect for Churchill, he was responsible for several blunders of history. These include the battle for Gallipoli in World War One, he is attributed to arbitrarily drawing Iraq's borders, which of caused many lives to be lost in the region due to fighting, and had a hand in the Suez Crisis with Eden (who was apparently addicted to speed) and a hand in the fall of Malaya during World War Two.  I found all of this intriquing. One has to argue that he has left a legacy that affects the world today, good or bad.

- I was also excited to learn about so many more things in history that I was not aware of before. Jim Jones and his cult was something I had never studied before or Agent Orange or even Thalidomide. It is also interesting to learn about different regions and how colonization has led to many conflicts, even through today.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

My next challenge was to be going to a local museum which I have never gone to. However, this will have to wait. There are some seasonal closures occuring right now. I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wit of Winston Churchill

Hi again,

Because I love history and politics I thought I would challenge myself and read a book about Winston Churchill's famous wit. Sir Winston's role in history is undeniable. He is known, to me, anyways to have given great speeches, and ruled Britain at a time when a strong leader was necessary.

What I didn't know was that Sir Winston was quite fond of himself and had a wicked sense of humour.

I enjoyed the book immensely as it gave me a better sense of who Winston was.

Some examples of his wit from the book:

-"My idea of a good dinner is, first to have good food, then discuss good food, and after this good food has been elaborately discussed, to discuss a good topic- with me as chief conversationalist."
-"I wonder what God thinks of the things His creatures have invented. Really, it's surprising He has allowed it - but then I suppose He has so many things to think of, not only us, but all His worlds. I wouldn't have his job for anything. Mine is hard enough, but his is much more difficult. And - umph- He can't even resign..."

Here is a short anecdote:
At a reception in Richmond, Virginia in the USA, his hostess, an ample lady, led WSC, the guest of honour, to the buffet table. When she offered him some cold chicken, he asked if he could have a breast. As she helped him to a particularly succulent looking piece his hostess informed him genteely that 'We southern ladies use the term "white meat"'.
The next day a corsage arrived for her- with the flowers was a card from Churchill on which he had written 'I would be most obliged if you would pin this on your "white meat" '.

He also provided some insight into life:
-"The worst quarrels only arise when both sides are equally in the right and in the wrong."
-"Too often the strong silent man is silent because he does not know what to say, and is reputed strong only because he has remained silent."
-"Difficulties mastered are opportunities won."

He was a very interesting person. I could read this book again when I need a laugh.

Thanks for reading.

In terms of what is upcoming, I have to take some courses for work in the next few days. I am hoping on completing these as soon as possible and then resuming my blog. I'll write back again as soon as I have completed another challenge.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sushi Lunch


Wow what a day. Between the snow, getting up early to catch the bus to attend a doctor's appointment and a last minute job interview, I barely had time for my sushi challenge.

Things I tried today:
-Sashimi (raw pieces of thinly cut fish): Not bad cold. The salmon they use is farmed, so not a lot of fish taste.
-Hokkigai (surf clam) sushi: One of the most disgusting things to eat. It's hard to chew.
-Saba (mackerel) sushi: This had a strong fish taste and was kind of mushy.
-Inari (cooked tofu) sushi: Kind of sweet and gushy. Not my favourite
-Tamago (cooked egg) sushi: Actually very mild tasting. Could eat again if had to.
-Oshinko roll (Japanese Pickle): Crunchy with a wasabi like taste. Not bad.
-Salmon cheek: This was grilled. It was from a farmed salmon and was the piece of salmon that connects to the gill plate. Not bad but could have used some lemon.
-Oyster Motoyaki (oyster and onion cooked in a cheese sauce): The oyster was not overpowering but chewy. Not my favourite.
-Unagi Don (cooked eel in rice with Japanese style barbecue sauce): One of the most disgusting things I have eaten. It was surprisingly bitter. Will never eat again.
-Shishamo Karaage (whole smelt including eyes and internal organs battered and deep fried): One of the most challenging things I had to eat today due to the sight of the fish. However, if one could get past that, edible and nicely spiced.
-Sanma (barbecued mackerel): Disgusting and it even included the internal organs! My husband removed the fish's liver, tail and eyes before I could even attempt to eat this. I will never ever eat this again.
-Scallop cone (raw scallop, mayonnaise, rolled into a cone with sushi rice): The scallops taste quite mild and have a very unique taste.
-Tako sunomono (pieces of octopus with a vinegar noodle salad): The octopus was quite chewy. Won't eat again.
-Crispy chicken skin (pieces of chicken skin after they have been deep fried): Hello heart attack!
-Chicken curry japanese style: Different. Not to be tried again.

Okay, so here's how I did it today: I went to an all you can eat sushi place where quality is not exactly a priority but the variety was amazing. I had little bites of everything. My husband has a stronger stomach than I do, so he finished what I couldn't. I also had things to eat that I don't mind mixed in so that I could eat something disgusting and follow it with something I didn't mind too much. It went a lot nicer that way.

Lessons learned: If you think you like some sushi before attempting this, don't analyze what you're eating and the possibilities of where it came from. Today I ate a female mackerel and let's just say I know it was a female. I don't think I can eat any sushi except vegetable rolls ever again. It is weird food!

Thanks for reading!


Next challenge: Finishing a book about Winston Churchill and his wit

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Horror Movie

Okay, I have to admit I get scared rather easily. Because of this, I don't watch horror movies. However, tonight I decided this would be a good challenge for me. So, tonight I watched 1408 starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson.

I noticed a few things in the movie that I will mention now:
-Fax machines do not fax fabric. If they did, the cost to ship items would be cheaper. However, in the movie, the fax machine faxed one miraculously.
-When a sprinkler head is spewing water, to turn the water off, it does not help to knock off the sprinkler head from the pipe. This just makes the whole ordeal more messy. In the movie, doing this fixed everything.

I have also learned a more valuable lesson: Real life is far more scary than any horror movie.

There are those people who enjoy horror movies and those that don't. Clearly I fall into the don't category. I don't think I need to revisit this challenge again.

Then again, maybe I just think too much. Or the events from the past year have corrupted my sense of fear to the point that there is nothing that will scare me anymore. Except maybe snakes...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet"

I just finished reading "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran. This book was more challenging for me to read. I like thinking in concrete terms, and this certainly was not concrete. However, I enjoyed the imagery the author used in trying to dole out his advice about life.

I was quite surprised actually at my reactions to this book. I thought I would enjoy it. However, I didn't really. I don't think Kahlil was a realist. I mean, it's fine to dream about loving everyone and living in utopia. However, the reality is: life sucks and there will always be people out there who try to make it tougher. Perhaps another read of this book at a later time, will provide more insight.

For now, I will leave some quotes from the book:

- On Giving : "See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving. For in truth it is life that gives unto life - while you who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness."

-On Self Knowledge: "The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals."

-On Pain: "Much of your pain is self chosen. It is the bitter portion by which the physician in you heals your sick self."

Next challenge: An interesting sushi treat.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Walking on the Pier

Tonight I went for a walk on White Rock Pier. That may not be challenging to everyone, but to me I overcame something I never thought I could.

While out walking on the pier at night, I always had to walk in the very middle of the pier. To me, walking along the edge of the pier and looking over the edge have always been frightening. I am afraid of becoming disoriented and falling either over the edge or on the pier itself. Further, looking over the edge at night always made me face my fear of the unknown. I don't know how deep the ocean is there and I don't know how far down the water is from where I am. Both of these are terrifying to me when I'm totally in the dark.

So tonight, after supper, my husband and I went to the Pier for a walk. It was very stormy and the wind was causing quite a large number of waves with whitecaps on them. But I did it. I walked to the end of the pier and back on the edge and was even able to look at the whitecaps as they rolled in towards the pier! I was also able to walk on the lower pier near the sailboats and look over the edge at the bottom of the pier and the dark stormy waves as they rolled in. I enjoyed this evening very much and I can accomplish a lot more than I thought I could.

Next Challenge: finish reading Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet"

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Good evening,

I just finished reading Confucius' "The Analects". It was an interesting read for anyone who hasn't read this before. It acts to serve as a guide on how to conduct one's life.
I will be able to take some of his words of advice and use them in my life.

Some memorable lines I will leave:

-"The self-restrained seldom err."
-"If wealth were a thing one could count on finding, even though it meant my becoming a whip holding groom, I would do it. As one cannot count on finding it, I will follow the quest I love better."
-"He who demands much of himself and little from others will avoid resentment."
-"The noble man seeks what he wants in himself, the inferior man seeks it from others."

Next challenge: An interesting sushi lunch!

Thanks for reading


Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Hello Again,

Well 2011 is officially here. Part of the plan for the New Year is to discover new things that I haven't accomplished before, particularly those that are challenging to myself.

So it all began today.

My husband, father in law and I decided to try our luck Ice Fishing! We got up prior to 6 this morning and headed out to Tunkwa/Leighton Lake which is just outside Merritt BC.

The road up to Tunkwa on the Coquihalla Hwy was quite clear today. It can get quite treacherous on this road, especially near the Coquihalla summit. This was part of the challenge of today. However, it couldn't have been a better day for travelling.

Once we arrived and set up (which included axing out an existing hole) we sat down and waited. Tyler, my husband, caught the one and only fish of the day. Granted, we only stayed and fished for an hour and a half total, it was a very productive day. I will also try and post some of the photos I have taken.

Other personal goals for January include cooking something challenging and reading a book that challenges my perceptions of the world. I'll blog again once I complete another challenge

Thanks for reading.
