Monday, September 26, 2011

Cauliflower Pakora

It's been a bit of time since this challenge was completed. However, I thought I would include it in September as it took place this month.

I visited with my father after the trip to show him pictures and return some goods I borrowed. He decided he wanted to go for a walk. The neighbourhood he lives in is very ethnic. He picked up some samosas and he noticed something else he wanted to try: Cauliflower Pakora. For where he lives and the food he eats I couldn't believe he didn't know what it was or had even tried some!

Needless to say I introduced my father to Pakora and I think he enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading


Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 8th - September 17th

It has been quite a week. I have been away on vacation to the Yukon. There have been quite a few challenges I completed:

I drove 1000 kms (over 1/4 of the way): some of these kms were in the Yukon, Prince George, along highway 37 etc. I drove through weather incuding ice showers (numerous hail stones mixed with rain)

Amazing views and animals: including buffalo, caribou, stone sheep, black bear, grouse and wild horses

Tried different food: I tried elk jerky while in Smithers. It was okay... not that much different from beef jerky.

Spent some time in a hotel with communal showers and washrooms: the hotel in Watson Lake in the Yukon was an old converted military office, so the washroom and showers were separated for women and men. The rooms were very small but cozy.

Cooked dinner for 10 people in an hour and a half: To say thank-you for the visit I cooked steak, chicken, corn, salad, garlic bread, mushrooms and zucchini, and baked potatoes. It was one of the biggest dinners I have made in a long long time. Everyone was fed and it turned out really well.

I have seen such beautiful scenery, such great people and wonderful animals it was all a bit overwhelming. However, vacations have to end, and life must go on. I will take the lessons I have learned from the past week with me for a long time. I enjoyed my time off.

Thanks for reading


Friday, September 2, 2011

End of August update

It's been a few days since August ended and September started. I have been quite busy.

Here's a list of the challenges I completed:
-Pho for two
-Comparative Religion Seminar
-Minter Gardens
-Abbotsford museum
-Jamaican cuisine
-Cooking steak
-Waterfront park
-North Vancouver Pier
-Chiba gardens
-Lynn Canyon suspension bridge
-Monck Provincial Park
-Logan Lake Fishing Lodge
-Dr. Pepper -cherry
-Logan Lake
-Political funeral

I don't think I have ever completed as many challenges in one month. I learned a lot and enjoyed each challenge for what it was. I truly enjoyed August!

So here's the last challenge I completed in August: I fasted for twenty four hours on August 31st to help support the Red Cross's Famine Relief. What an interesting day! However, I made it.

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