Tuesday, May 31, 2011

End of May Update

Well, it's hard to believe, but the end of May is already here. I have already paid all of my bills for the month of May. I just can't believe the weather in our area is not good. We did not have a spring!

So here's an update on the challenges I completed this month:

-Went to a 3d movie
-Took part in the Survivor's Lap for the Langley Relay for Life
-Went to a Funeral and Internment
-Visited Clayburn Village
-Learned to cope with my husband's new "toys"
-Having new furniture delivered
-Reading a dimestore romance?
-Camping trip with 1 of my parents

So, although this month was rather low on the number of challenges I completed, I took several huge steps forward for myself personally. I think this month was the most personally challenging yet. Or do I say that every month? So far, I think I am keeping up very well with what I have set out to do this year. I am hoping the weather gets more sunny so that I am able to take on more outdoor type challenges. (Eg. Driving places I wouldn't normally get to travel to). But I'm happy doing what I have done so far with what I have been given.
The Survivor's Lap with the Relay for Life will go down as one of the most important things I could do for myself.
I haven't had a lot of time to complete the scrapbook, but I did locate some clearance supplies, so when I get a moment to myself, I know what to do with it!
As for my new bed, what a wonderful investment! I am able to wake up in the morning without pain. What a difference that has led to my outlook on the day!
As for my husband's new purchases, I am still coming to grips with his new hobby. I don't think this is going to go away anytime soon. However, my husband has taken steps to ensure I feel a lot more safer to be in the same house as his new "toys". I think it will take some more time in order to fully deal with this.
I will leave you with a mini challenge I completed tonight:
Whenever I drive, I don't drive on the highway. I will take every other road but that one. The car feels funny when going that fast. It's hard to describe. Other than the car feels loose and not all that stable. However, tonight I was coming back from an appointment and I had to pick my husband up from work. The only option I had was to use the highway. What a nervewracking experience. However, I did it! I guess it's not so bad when I don't have any other choice!

Thanks for reading!

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