Saturday, July 16, 2011

Challenge failed: Camping

As part of an ongoing effort this year to go camping with family, the earlier camping attempt I blogged about in May had to be rescheduled for this weekend.

So my husband and I got everything ready to go and left yesterday, without my family member who wanted to plan this trip in the first place.

So we arrive, start setting up, and everything seemed to be going rather well. The tent got set up rather quickly, the air mattress was being inflated, everything seemed to be okay.

The mosquitos were a bit bad, but we were so busy I didn't have time to notice.

Then the trouble hit. The air mattress pump was not working properly and we would have no air mattress for the night. My husband then looked at me and realized that I had been practically eaten alive by the mosquitos! You can tell where I had been bitten because I am allergic and my hands were all swollen as was my face. My husband then looked at my back. I had bites all down my back, including my backside! The mosquitos had bitten through my jeans! I had packed some mosquito coils with me, so we lit one and I tried to sit at the picnic table to see if it made a difference. It didn't!

Because I couldn't have handled three days of this allergic reaction, we decided that this just wasn't our trip to take. We packed up and started heading home. Enough was enough.

Just as we were leaving, I took a trip down a path to the washroom. That was where I saw the most terrifying thing I have seen in a long while: a snake!! It was long and made this hissing sound and was right near where I would have to walk. I screamed the whole way back down the path until I found my husband again. I showed him where it was and apparently it was a "red racer" garder snake that wasn't poisonous at all. Needless to say, I wasn't going back down that path again!

I will have to say that despite this blunder of a trip, my sister in law and my nieces and nephews came to spend the day with us. We returned back to the site to have a quick lunch (quick in that the mosquitos pretty much took over our lunch) and then headed down to the lake for some swimming and sandcastles.

I am okay with admitting I am a whimp here. I am not out here to challenge myself medically to see how much I can physically take. I know what those limits are already and I don't want to go there.

Thanks for reading


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