Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Challenges: Polar Bear Wade and windy picnic lunch

Well, here is the last of my blog:

I have always wanted to participate in the New Year's Polar Bear Swim. Something about starting the year off with a cold splash always seemed like such a good idea.
I can't participate in this years event as I have another Christmas dinner I am going to be helping out with on New Years Day and the turkey has to get in the oven rather early.
So, I decided I would try to re-create it today: I got all ready, brought lots of sweaters, towels and a change of clothes with me. My husband decided he wanted to try this one as well.
We get to the beach and there are more people out than I expected there to be. However, that didn't stop me this time as normally it would have.
When my bare feet hit the water there was a feeling of pain just in my feet. I made it up to my knees before my husband even made it to the waters edge. As my feet were going numb and I was only up to my knees, I decided to leave well enough alone and I stopped there. When I got out of the water, my husband decided he couldn't have his wife beat him, so he made it in just past his knees.
I thoroughly enjoyed doing this challenge. There is something about acting like a complete idiot that usually stops me in my tracks from doing anything out of the norm. However, not today.
Here are some pictures:

That's my foot print!

Afterwards, my husband decided that that challenge just wouldn't cut it for the end of this years blog. So, we decided to go to another nearby beach for a picnic. I didn't have a proper coat and the wind was howling. However, I made it through lunch with the wind. I was freezing by the end of lunch. However, I also got some great photographs of the whitecaps:

I have learned a great bunch of lessons today: It's okay to look like an idiot in front of other people. As long as you stand behind what you are doing that's all that really matters. I am also capable of getting much colder than I ever thought possible.

Thanks for reading

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